I wasn't loyal... I was happy! And staying in Canberra for my full career was also due to the desire to be close to Jen's parents while our girls where young and to do stuff at the dock.

Great discussion your opening up here and if you want my opinion, you should take the leap, get a space near the dock as I know you'd have 100's of runners coming to see you from R4R alone!

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All excellent reasons, apart from that The ACT Brumbies are the best Super Rugby team ;).

I mean really, it's none of peoples business why you stay or go, we don't have to justify ourselves to anyone. It's interesting how there needs to be a reason though. But it all comes down to purpose and meaning and doing what's best for you. Loyalty is interesting as mentioned above, if you choose to go people say you aren't loyal but if you stay it's under the assumption that you are loyal. In my industry, people are loyal to the therapist or to the clinic that you work in and I've seen a mixture of both. Businesses will try and put things in your contract like if you leave you can't work in a certain radius of the clinic and when you leave you can't tell people where you're going. But, if people want to find you, they'll seek you out anyway.

I think Vince (domo massage) is in Kingston :). But while I like the flexibility of self employment, I'd like to experience the financial security that comes with being employed. Of course the grass always appears greener on the other side, but there is only one way to find out.

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